Risc IT Blog

A word to the wise

Backup your Cloud for Secure Remote Working

Holding data in Cloud storage - such as OneDrive, Dropbox etc. doesn't make it invincible. Many people believe that because it's accessible on many devices, the data is safe and "backed up" to multiple machines. This simply isn't true.

Backup your Cloud for Secure Remote Working

5 reasons you need Microsoft 365 Backup

Whilst many businesses have adapted and embraced recent changes in the way we all work, it's vital that by affording flexibility, companies don't let their security slip. One area that is essential and often overlooked, is backing up your Microsoft 365 data.

5 reasons you need Microsoft 365 backup

The Big Switch Off

The 2025 Big Switch Off is nearly upon us. Whilst it still seems a while away, businesses should start planning their migration now as 2025 isn't the start, it's the completion date. The work has already begun!

In this blog we'll explain what The 2025 Big Switch Off is, what it means and what you'll have to do.

The Big Switch Off

Making Sense of Azure RI and Hybrid Benefit

Historically, there have been barriers to adoption of Azure Servers with expense and unpredictable pricing being the biggest concerns. However, changes in Microsoft's licensing mean that this is no longer the case, and SMBs can now access the discounts that were only previously afforded to larger businesses.

Making Sense of Azure RI

Don’t Overlook Azure

Historically, the power and flexibility of Azure was perfect for businesses who wished to spin up servers for short periods of time. For many businesses who wanted a long term solution though, the expense and unpredictability of its pricing meant that Azure was out of reach. This, however, is no longer the case.

Don't overlook Azure

8 Tips for Compliant Call Recording

With increasing regulatory scrutiny and staff communicating in different ways across multiple platforms, there is growing pressure on companies to ensure every conversation is not only recorded but accessible and auditable in real-time. However, recording without the correct permissions, controls, storage and end-user management needed for compliance puts companies at significant risk.

TeamsLink Hosted Telephony FAQs

Throughout the pandemic, we’ve been enabling organisations to work effectively from home by helping them find, set up, and use the best solutions for their business needs. As part of this we’ve been running a webinar series which demonstrates the capabilities of Microsoft Teams and Teams Telephony, specifically TeamsLink from Wavenet; a Hosted Telephony system that connects inbound and outbound calling directly through Microsoft Teams. We’ve complied a list of FAQs from throughout this webinar series and below is a small snippet.

TeamsLink Hosted Telephony FAQ